Statement regarding letter sent on behalf of Inflection Point NZ

February 26, 2025

Franks Ogilvie has become aware of a political action campaign against Franks Ogilvie and principal Stephen Franks following a letter sent on behalf of a firm client, Inflection Point NZ.

The letter, as instructed by our client, sets out the legal implications in New Zealand of the UK Cass Report (that prompted government decisions to restrict puberty blocker drug treatment for minors). The letters were informed by a recent Ministry of Health evidence brief. The letter highlighted the risks for health practitioners if they do not ensure they have an up to date understanding of these issues when providing this treatment.

As lawyers we take seriously our duties to:

-         Accept work in a field where we profess to be competent to practice (the ‘cab rank rule’); and

-         To not misinform or misdirect as to the legal basis for the statements we make on behalf of our clients.

It would be unethical for us to withdraw from acting for a client due to threats or criticisms of their views by others. However, we are aware that critics may extend their campaign to our clients. We ask if any of our clients are contacted, that you contact one of the Directors promptly.  

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